VAIRAGYA RANKO Weekend Workshop

03 - 05 ноември 2023

📣 Скъпи йоги, имаме огромното удоволствието да Ви поканим на най-вълнуващото йога събития тази година!
Един от най-вдъхновяващите Ащанга йога учители – Ранко Вайрагя (оторизиран 2-ро ниво) ще ни гостува за уикенд уъркшоп на 3-5 ноември в Таруна Йога Шала.
🎯 Събитието е подходящо както за съвсем начинаещи ученици, които искат да добият опит и знание за метода на ащанга, така и за напреднали практикуващи 2-ра и 3-та серия.
Не изпускайте възможността да почерпите от дългогодишният опит и знания на Ранко, който на драго сърце ще ги сподели с вас! Ранко е истински йоги, много отворен и приятен човек, общуването с него е истинско удоволствие и вдъхновение!


❇️ ПЕТЪК 03.11
18:30 – Воден клас и сатсанг

❇️ СЪБОТА 04.11
9:00-11:30 – Майсор стил (индивидуална практика в групова среда)
13:00-15:30 – Виняса уъркшоп (как да правим винясите с лекота и увереност)
18:30-19:30 – Киртан или мантра медитация

❇️ НЕДЕЛЯ 05.11
9:00-11:30 – Майсор стил (индивидуална практила в групова среда)
13:00-15:00 – Уъркшоп за извивки назад (как да правим извивки назад дълбоко, но безопасно)


При записване до 15.10 – 140 евро
При записване след 15.10 – 155 евро


Местата са ограничени. За повече информация се свържете с нас на съобщение на
Viber/WhatsApp: +359 876 335 569 или имейл:


Вижте повече за Ранко Вайрагя ТУК 

facebook: Ashtanga Yoga Belgrade

Instagram: @ashtangayogabelgrade

Ранко е оторизиран Ащанга йога учител, Ниво 2. Основател на Ащанга йога Белград.

Започва да практикува хатха йога и карате на 16-годишна възраст, а от 2006 г. се посвещава на традицията на Ащанга Виняса йога. През 2008 г. отива в Майсор, Индия, където започва да учи под ръководството на  Шри К. Паттабхи Джойс и Шарат Джойс. Връща се в Майсор всяка година, за да усъвършенства и надгражда своите знания и умения.

Ранко е посветен в традицията на Бихарско Училище по Йога от Свами Шивамурти Сарасвати, която приема за свой духовен наставник. Прекарва повече от 8 години в Satyananda Ashram, Гърция в изучаване на Сатянанда Йога, както и различни други направления в йога.  През 2000 г. е посветен в традицията Дашнами Саняса и получава духовното си има Свами Вайрагяратна Сарасвати.

Ранко е учил и практикувал с едни от най-добрите Ащанга йога учители като Дейвид Свенсън, Ролф и Марси, Ларуга и други.

Той е бакалавър по право, карате майстор и инструктор, бивш член на националния отбор по карате на Сърбия и носител на множество медали от национални и международни състезания.
Голям любител на животните и природата.


📣 Dear yogis, Taruna Yoga Shala is very pleased to invite you to a very exciting yoga event! One of the most inspiring Ashtanga yoga teachers – Ranko Vairagya (Authorised Lever 2 Ashtanga Yoga Teacher) will be visiting us in Sofia for a weekend workshop on 3th-5th of November.

🎯 The event is suitable for beginners who want to gain experience and knowledge of the Ashtanga method, as well as for advanced practitioners who are practising 2nd and 3rd series of Ashtanga Vinyasa.
Don’t miss the opportunity to benefit from Ranko’s many years of experience and knowledge, which he will gladly share with you!
Ranko is a real yogi, a very sincere and nice person, communicating with him is a real pleasure and inspiration!


❇️ FRIDAY 03.11
18:30 – Led Class and Satsang

❇️ SATURDAY 04.11
9:00-11:30 – Mysore class 
13:00-15:30 – Vinyasa workshop
18:30-19:30 – Kirtan and mantra meditation.

❇️ SUNDAY 05.11
9:00-11:30 – Mysore class
13:00-15:00 – Backbend workshop


Early Bird (till 15.10) – 140 EUR
Regular price (after 15.10) – 155 EUR


Places are limited so hurry up!  For more information, contact us with a message at
Viber/WhatsApp: +359 876 335 569 or email:



facebook: Ashtanga Yoga Belgrade

Instagram: @ashtangayogabelgrade


  • Authorised Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Level 2.
  • Owner and Director of Ashtanga Yoga Belgrade

Ranko began practicing and studying yoga along with the practice of Karate at the age of 16. Since 2006, he has been devoted to Ashtanga Yoga practice in the tradition of Sri K.Pattabhi Jois and Sri R. Sharath Jois, whose Ashtanga Yoga Institute is situated in Mysore, India. He visited Mysore for the first time in 2008 and spent two months there. After that, he has been travelling to Mysore every year and staying there for two to three months, with, above all, the desire to remain a student forever.

During the past twenty-seven years, he has been professionally teaching various branches of yoga. Since 2008, he has been teaching Ashtanga Yoga in the tradition of Sri K.Pattabhi Jois and Sri R. Sharath Jois, who he recognized as his gurus within this specific type of yoga that nowadays represents one of the most significant spiritual practices in the world.

His first teacher is Dragan Lončar (vidayayoga), one of the best known and the most successful yoga practitioners and teachers in this region.

He travelled to India for the first time in 1994 with Dragan Lončar and visited Mungir, the Bihar School of Yoga. That is where he met Swami Sivamurti Saraswati, who he has been perceiving as his guru or spiritual teacher ever since.

During the following year, he stayed at Swamiji’s Ashram in Athens, Greece for several times. In 1996, he started living and working at Swamiji’s Ashram and she encouraged him to teach various kinds of yoga. He spent traditional eight years at Satyananda Ashram in Greece as one of Swamiji’s closest students.

He was initiated into Kriya Yoga Meditation within the system of Satyananda Yoga (Bihar Yoga) in 1996.

In 2000, he was initiated into Dashnami Sanyasa tradition and given the name Swami Vairagyaratna Saraswati.

He has been teaching Yoga in Belgrade since 2005.

In 2007, he finished course for yoga instructor at Vidya Yoga School of Dragan Lončar.

He completed course for yoga teachers at New Zealand during 2009 and 2011, with John Scott, one of the best known and the most successful students of Sri K. Pattabhi Jois and Sri R. Sharath Jois.

On December 20th 2012, he obtained blessings from his guru, Sri R. Sharath Jois to teach the first series and became authorised teacher of Level 1. In January 2016 he was authorised as Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Level 2 with license to teach 2nd series up to Karandavasan.

Since 2011, he has been participating in seminars and workshops organised by David Swenson and his wife Shally Washington. In this way, he has continued to learn Ashtanga Yoga from his first Ashtanga Yoga teacher, David Swenson, whose DVDs and books he used to practice and teach Ashtanga Yoga in the tradition of Sri K. Pattabhi Jois and Sri R. Sharath Jois.

In 2012, he started occasional trainings in Goa, India with Rolf Naujokat and his wife Marci.

He is also a Karate Master and Karate Instructor, former member of national karate team, and winner of numerous medals on national and international competitions.

He is a Bachelor of Law.

He is a great lover of animals and nature.

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