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What to start with?


You may be wondering which class is right for you and how to get started?

  • Ashtanga for everyone – this class is very suitable for beginners, as the rhythm of practice is slower, giving the necessary time for a person to enter the asana. In this class, the teacher gives more verbal instructions and assists the students so that they learn more details about the correct performance of each of the poses.
  • Mysore style – this class is suitable for everyone, regardless of their level, as the approach to each student is individual. It is ideal for both beginners and those who want to learn the Ashtanga Vinyasa method – systematically and in depth. Whether you are a beginner, or have been practicing for a long time, whether you are physically strong or not, whether you are young or old, flexible or not, mysore classes are ideal for you. All you need to do is attend classes regularly and have the enthusiasm to learn and practice.
  • Regularity – Ashtanga Vinyasa is traditionally practiced 5-6 days a week to get the maximum benefit. It is good for beginners to be regular so that the body can get used to the practice, but it is important not to overload. This means that 3 practices a week would be a very good start. With the student’s progress, the number of practices can be increased to 5-6 days, with at least 1 day of complete rest required.
  • Duration – in the beginning the duration of the practice is 50-60 minutes, and gradually it can reach about 90 minutes.
  • Intensity – it is good to maintain a moderate constant intensity throughout the practice, guided mainly by a steady rhythm of breathing.

It is not good for the practice to be too slow and to rest unnecessarily, nor for it to be too fast and too tiring.

* Total beginners should contact the shala and ask when is the best time to join a Mysore class. Everyone else who has even a little knowledge of the practice and practices independently can come at any time within the specified time frame.


If you are coming for the first time

Here are some things you should know if you are coming for the first time:

  • It is good to practice on an empty stomach. It is desirable that at least 2-3 hours have passed since the last hearty meal;
  • Wear comfortable clothes for practice – leggings, bustier and tank top / T-shirt for ladies, shorts and T-shirt for men;
  • Make sure your yoga clothes are not transparent!
  • Bring a towel if you sweat more;
  • Take off your socks in the locker room, as we practice barefoot;
  • Do not use strong perfume before practice
  • Do not wear watches, bracelets and large rings during practice.